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BBC Sport - Football

Wednesday 25 May 2016

On behalf of the Management and the entire staff of Avisonic Sports Marketing, I wish to welcome you all to this program.
It is with great honour and deep respect that I join the good and hospitable people of Plateau State.
Today’s event marks yet another mile-stone in the history of our great company (AVISONIC SPORT MARKETING) towards the struggle of entrenching the corporate existence and the development of sport in particular the ministry of Youth and Sport in Plateau State.
It is a common knowledge to those of us gathering here today that a lot of water had passed under the sporting activities in the State, but I am glad that the strong wave of the water of life did not consume us, but rather, we are waxing stronger everyday as peace have come to stay on the Plateau. To God be the glory for this wonderful disposition
Permit me to recognize the present of Grand Cereal for their support and encouragement to AVISONIC and want to say that Grand Cereal is the Grand of all companies in Plateau State. Grand Cereal, you will continue to be the leading company In Plateau State and Nigeria in general.
The company will not forget ‘The Sport Ministry’ who is always by our side in terms of needs; we are saying thank you for your lots of experience and contribution.
To the Proprietors and Parents of these children, we appreciate you all for taking your time to respond to our plied despite your tied schedules. We are saying thank you, for your effort shall not go in vain.
Distinguish ladies and gentlemen, time has come for us to wake up and promote sport in this State; Nigeria has over depending on oil without knowing that sport is more juice and lucrative, as such, we should develop more interest in sport to generate revenue to the Government of Plateau.
It may interest, you to know that other states are inviting us (Avisonic) to sign a memo of understanding to promote sports in their State but we are considering Plateau State being our first point of place since the incorporation of this company. It’s our intention to move this State forward in sporting activities although, this task had been very challenging and eventful, we will continue to strive. Since we have a lot of packages for the State. The company is ready to partner with the State Government in order to give sport a new face that will empower the youth.
     The aim and objective of the kid’s clinic is to minimize and eradicate crime from the society. There is a need to cut across all age group and we are appealing to the Government and other Companies to support us by sponsorship.
If the opportunity can be given to us to partner with the State Government with a little funding, Avisonic is capable of turning or built a vibrant, well planned events that is second to none in the Federation as we are the only sport marketing company in this State.

Long live Grand Cereal
Long live Avisonic Sport Marketing Company
Long live the Ministry of Youth and Sport

Long live Plateau State

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